If you’ve got some extra cash, you could make interest on it by being a private money lender, kind of like a small bank.
Anyone here doing this or thinking about it?
If you’ve got some extra cash, you could make interest on it by being a private money lender, kind of like a small bank.
Anyone here doing this or thinking about it?
Are you Italian by any chance?
Bay said:
Are you Italian by any chance?
Lol… I’m not!
You can sign up with a broker plan to be a broker, but it’s expensive.
Nari said:
You can sign up with a broker plan to be a broker, but it’s expensive.
Not sure what you mean. You don’t really need to sign up as a broker for this.
You can do this more safely with decentralized finance. Lend out stablecoins in a pool, and people use their crypto as collateral to borrow. They pay you interest, and if their coins drop in value, liquidators sell them to cover the loan.
That’s interesting! Why would people borrow stablecoins?
Emerson said:
That’s interesting! Why would people borrow stablecoins?
They want to get cash without selling their crypto.
Some of my friends do it by buying houses and selling them with owner financing.
Reed said:
Some of my friends do it by buying houses and selling them with owner financing.
Yeah, that’s a great way to do it.
That’s called usury, and it’s illegal in most countries.
Shiloh said:
That’s called usury, and it’s illegal in most countries.
It’s also mafia business.
Shiloh said:
That’s called usury, and it’s illegal in most countries.
It’s also mafia business.
Banks lend money all the time.
Shiloh said:
Shiloh said:
That’s called usury, and it’s illegal in most countries.
It’s also mafia business.
Banks lend money all the time.
They’re the legal mafia.
Merrick said:
Haha, non-payers can happen, it’s part of the business. But if you qualify your borrowers, that’s rare—like 1 in 500 loans.
I always take collateral when lending. Collateral could be anything valuable, but since I’m in real estate, I usually take property with a first lien, like a bank (sometimes second).
I also run a debt fund for accredited investors who don’t want to be active but still want to invest in real estate and earn high returns.