Try arbitrage and value +EV betting, you can make some cash with little risk.
Check: getarbitragebets.
Try arbitrage and value +EV betting, you can make some cash with little risk.
Check: getarbitragebets.
Inside of a Roth IRA (which should be the first thing you max out each year), then I recommend a risk-tolerant long term ETF. Vanguard VUG is the one specifically I would recommend.
Take the total amount you wish to invest each pay period and divide it up.
If your aim is to start a FIRE plan, then invest about 50 to 75% into an index that tracks the S&P 500 (which averages about an 8% return per year).
Put the remaining percentages in a Roth IRA.
I am assuming you are also participating in your company’s retirement plan which, hopefully, will have an employee contribution match. (Heavily invest here first, BEFORE the IRA stuff. A match is FREE MONEY. lol.)
Otherwise, do the opposite and invest heavily in the Roth after the company plan.
Also, NEVER (and I mean NEVER) touch the money you invest outside of emergencies. Otherwise, you will lose the benefit of compounding dividends and interest and have to pay capital gains (hopefully long term) or a tax penalty in the case of a Roth IRA.
Also, open a Roth NOW!!
I mean TODAY before your income reaches a particular threshold. After that threshold, you can no longer open up a Roth unless your income falls below that threshold. (Research this)
Disclaimer: I am not a financial expert and this is not formal professional financial advice. The result of all actions and choices on your part are solely your responsibility to handle. (Cover Your Behind. You get it. lol)
Also, any money you put in TODAY will be worth it TOMORROW because of COMPOUNDING DIVIDENDS. (Not yelling. Just trust me on this.)
Love this! Already lots of good advice here so I’ll just add great job making the effort to save/invest at such a young age.
Going to invest in these.