Want a passive income with no investments?

It’s 2025 now, and only a few people understand how to earn hundreds of dollars through crypto.

But what if I don’t have enough money to buy crypto? :thinking:
I don’t know what crypto to invest in or participate in.

No worries, this is where crypto airdrops come in! You might think I’m a scammer for mentioning “crypto,” but what I’m about to share requires no investment, no watching ads, and no nonsense—just connect to the internet and you’re earning crypto by using only 0.3% of your bandwidth.

Wait… Won’t it steal my data and sell it to criminals on the dark web?

No, it won’t spy on your desktop or mobile while you’re surfing the web. It simply uses some of your unused bandwidth for AI training.

So what’s this crypto?
It’s called GRASS.

Yes, just like the greenery you see outside.

The good news is it’s currently valued at $2.60 each. While the first season of mining has ended, we’re now in season 2, which means you have a chance to earn GRASS for free with no registration fee—just use my referral code in the link I’ve provided:

I’d be happy to help and teach you more about crypto, so don’t miss out on this opportunity for free money without any illegal activities!

“Unused bandwidth” = PC compute power you’re not using.

For those who don’t understand, the more your PC works, the more electricity it consumes.

You might earn a pittance of crypto, but you’ll pay for it in your electricity bill.

This isn’t like traditional Bitcoin mining; it doesn’t require solving mathematical equations that overheat your PC. It uses your bandwidth for AI training.

Gentry said:
This isn’t like traditional Bitcoin mining; it doesn’t require solving mathematical equations that overheat your PC. It uses your bandwidth for AI training.

What is “bandwidth”?

A computer computes, and computation takes cycles, which consume electricity. Heating up is a byproduct of electrical usage.

This crypto doesn’t rely on solving complex equations like Bitcoin, which demands more resources. GRASS uses your unused bandwidth to earn rewards without significant resource loads. Additionally, it only requires 3MB of RAM, which minimizes impact on your system performance.

The funny part is you’d likely make more money growing real grass—passively—and selling it as sod or hay.

Dallas said:
The funny part is you’d likely make more money growing real grass—passively—and selling it as sod or hay.

This is just a passive earning opportunity! It won’t cost you hours of time or money. :smile: Give it a try!

Can we smoke it? I doubt registering is difficult without a referral link, but I simply don’t believe you.

Cameron said:
Can we smoke it? I doubt registering is difficult without a referral link, but I simply don’t believe you.

I understand it’s hard to believe at first, but it’s possible to earn money effortlessly. Check it out on the market if you’re skeptical:


Remove your referral code and people might trust you more.

Wylie said:
Remove your referral code and people might trust you more.

It’s up to them whether they want to use it. I’m not forcing anyone to click the link.