Spend a couple hundred bucks setting yourself up with what you need to do some form of chore for residential or commercial buildings. Window washing, gutter cleaning, trash pickup, poop-scooping - just no landscaping, that takes a lot of time and skills, more than you have from the sounds of it. It also takes a pretty large equipment budget.
Print up some cards, buy a few tools for whatever trade, and get your ass out there. Figure out what hours you are willing to work two weeks in advance, a bit longer if you can, and only book in those times, or with no set time for the appointment if that works for whatever you decide to do. Be available to work those hours, and get yourself out to do some jobs. Start small, don’t overbook yourself, bill reasonably but don’t under-price yourself, and work what time you can.
Once you get into the swing of it you can start booking more, or pack more into smaller time slots.
Do good work, offer a discount on the next service if someone gives you a reference that gets you a new client, put out a few flyers and business cards, you’ll make bank. Ideally, go to middle-wealthy neighborhoods - not the actually rich, not the middle and under-class areas. Retirees will usually be easy sales if you do good work for their neighbors, they all talk to each other and recommend people.
Post yourself little gigs on Facebook Marketplace, get a few friends to comment under it for a bit saying how nice whatever looked when you were done, even post a pic if you actually did the work for them. Expand your offered services if something gets requested often and you think it would be an easy addition.
By the time of your trip, if you aren’t spending anything you don’t need for the business, you should have quite a bit banked up by the time you want to go on this trip - easily $5000+, could be up to $20,000 if you can commit 10-15 hours a week once you have steady work rolling in.
I won’t lie, this would take serious work from you but you’ll make much more money per hour than the guy at Maccas if you do it right.