My 100+ Side Hustle Ideas List That Generates Passive Income Daily

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Hahaha, I see only one side hustle though :smirk:

Ah yes, the side hustle of selling side hustles!

Charlie said:
Ah yes, the side hustle of selling side hustles!

Have you checked it out?

Don’t try to mine the gold; sell the shovels instead.

Are the 100 side hustle ideas all about creating and selling a book of side hustles for income?

Selling AI voice is the best side hustle for 2025.

Paris said:
Selling AI voice is the best side hustle for 2025.

How do you do that?

Jory said:

Paris said:
Selling AI voice is the best side hustle for 2025.

How do you do that?

Use a no-code AI voice tool and just learn prompting.

Charge a setup fee plus monthly. It’s like being a utility company.

Clients paying you monthly really adds up.

I have a Loom video of me pitching a real estate client if you’re interested.

So you’re selling someone else on the AI voice usage? You become the broker? Sounds like a great business model.

Adi said:
So you’re selling someone else on the AI voice usage? You become the broker? Sounds like a great business model.

I sell the setup and management of AI voice that replaces receptionists, customer service, etc. They save thousands a year on payroll. Twilio is the backend for utilization.

Hello, I’m really interested in your setup. Any pointers for a beginner?

May I see that video?

Would you mind DM’ing me the video?

Could you please share that video?

Could you send me the video please? :pray: I was using AI voice two years ago but didn’t capitalize and I’m now broke and jobless.

Jory said:

Paris said:
Selling AI voice is the best side hustle for 2025.

How do you do that?

I’ve made a guide here; just check my profile.

Paris said:
Selling AI voice is the best side hustle for 2025.

How much have you made from this so far?

Addison said:

Paris said:
Selling AI voice is the best side hustle for 2025.

How much have you made from this so far?

I’m currently making $10K-$15K a month. My partners are about the same.

Last year it was AI chat; this year it’s AI voice, which is getting more advanced.

Becoming the go-to person for AI will change your life, like it did for me.

They’ll ask you what else you can do with AI. Upselling AI ads, AI SEO, etc. is the next step.