Side Hustle From Scratch To Generate Passive Income - 1 Month Update

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No one will pay you a percentage of your crypto for simply “testing” or sending crypto to an address on any blockchain network. This includes IOST, EOS and TON, etc.

That’s pretty cool, making almost $90 in a month with no ads. Props to you for calling out those shady course sellers, too. I’ve seen a lot of that stuff, and it’s lowkey predatory. It’s dope that you’re trying to help people out with a cheaper alternative. As for building something of my own, I haven’t really gotten around to it yet. I’m kinda swamped with work and other stuff rn. But I’m definitely interested in the passive income game, so maybe I’ll give it a shot soon. If you have any tips for staying motivated or balancing a side hustle with a full-time gig, I’m all ears.

I stay motivated because my 12-year-old daughter is into expensive hobbies, and I love seeing her happy. Also, I grew up low-income and I’ll do anything to ensure my kid never has to live the way I had to. My day job is demanding, like everyone else’s, but I give myself time in the evenings and weekends to focus on the side hustle that makes me good money. If you check my profile, you’ll see I’ve been writing under pen names for years, doing both educational guides and fiction.

You’ll be amazed at how much extra work you can put in if you dedicate just 30 minutes every day to a project. Put down Call of Duty for half an hour or skip TV for a bit. Commit to this routine—consistency pays off.

Good luck! This is exactly the thing that’s keeping me up at night right now. Hopefully, I’ll release something in a couple of weeks, too.

I’m so interested in doing this!! Can I PM to learn more?

Cade said:
I’m so interested in doing this!! Can I PM to learn more?

Please do!

Why not keep giving out the free guide?

Briar said:
Why not keep giving out the free guide?

I got a temp ban from Reddit for posting the link to my Google Drive.

I’m interested in your guide.

I also DM’ed you. I’m very interested in this.

God’s work! I’ve DM’ed you.